Journies at home

By journiesathome


Growing up, there were small plastic boxes full of slides. We were could take them out and hold them up to the light; low airport buildings, two dimensional in a tropical light, palm trees, avenues blasted white by the sun, small, colourful, bug-like cars, silver, stub-nosed planes sitting on rain-forest nibbled runways.
Sometimes Bobby would rig up a projection screen in the living room, and these tiny images would emerge with a click, not life-sized, but as if we were looking at them through a bright window.
He did this today; a sheet draped over a clothes horse on top of a table; the lower right-hand side wrinkling the image into a third dimension, the room dimmed, the click and the commentary, images perfectly preserved within their small cardboard frames.

I've cheated today - a photo taken on the 7th of january 2011 of a photo taken on another continent one day in 1968.

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