The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Hold my hand

Full day of meeting people - very sociable but not great workwise. Gotta work hard tomorrow to make up for it. Feeling a bit better about being back but still missing home. Went on a run first thing with my dad. It reminded me how beautiful Aber is. Sad to wave him off...

Then got the last of the shopping done with Jenny, back to drop it off at hers, met Beca and went round to mine for tea and cake. After that I met Jamie, from my old(est) house and had a catch up walk with her... where we conveniently met Myles just as we were departing! So he came round for a chat too!

By that time we had no internet (BOOOO!) and it was time for dinner, quick blip and bed.
This picture isn't great, but I didn't have much time.

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on yesterdays picture - it was a absolutely brilliant surprise to get such a response. Thank you!

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