Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Close contact

I think I've finally made some head way with the contact wearing. I can now get them in after just a couple of tries and removed by the second if not first. The fortnightly lenses that they gave me are irritating my eyes less, if I'm distracted I can get to a point where I don't notice they're in.

When I first went for contacts I thought that I'd hate them. With my strong blink reaction and dislike for the idea of a foreign object in my eye I thought I'd want them for my holiday and times like Beltane when wearing glasses is impractical. But after around a week of wearing them I am absolutely loving them. My peripheral vision is increased, I can wear my buff without steaming up my vision, I can go out in the rain and snow and still see! Even better, I can see The Boy's face without him being next to me (and before the cheeky comments start, yes, I do still love him very much!).

In the long run it will be more cost effective for me if I use the bi-monthly ones but the dailies seem to have their good points too. I was a little worried about the cost of them but given for the last couple of years I've needed my glasses prescription updated once a year it pretty much evens out.

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