
By heraldino

Veritas IX

Bad news: - Pay better attention!

It is beyond me how bio-fuel can 'accidentally' get into chicken and pig feed. If the disgusting and cruel practices of meat production aren't enough to make one go vegetarian, this might give a little push to folks who are borderline or considering it.
Or not-people are pretty set in their eating ways.

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Good Bittersweet news:- A small reprieve

Where do I start? How do I explain how much it saddens me to think that creatures who share 99% of their DNA with us can be caged and purposely infected with contagious, hideous diseases in order to study them so that medicines and treatments for humans can be developed? How is that OK? How is that EVER f*****g OK?!! I honestly rather die from some disease that has no cure than think for one second that a chimpanzee suffered so I can get better. We have not evolved very far at all, have we?

Veritas - Latin for Truth

complete on January 10th

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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