365 with orange gearle

By orangegearle

b. feeds her baby

Today I was joined a new group on flickr called "month of coffee". Just like it sounds, you upload pics that have to do with coffee. So, I took a few photographs of my coffee mug, full of java, thinking I would use it for my 365 group, my month of coffee group, my orange is a colour that is safe and alive group (the mug is orange), AND here. Then, just before supper, B. got extra cute! In this picture, she was sitting in the rocking chair, holding the baby and feeding her with a bottle that was hers when she was very little. Not only that, but she was also using her body to make the chair rock back and forth. It was adorable!!! I had to catch it on "film". Considering there wasn't much outside light, it didn't turn out too bad.

I missed uploading a couple days! Darn it! I got my flickr group uploaded to, but missed blipfoto!

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