Laura Land

By LJBlips

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

I've been oh too aware that I have been due my one hundredth blip: moreover, I have deliberately not blipped to ensure my one hundredth landed on a I would have time to take "a really good blip" (control freak).

I got in such a flap about it that I have hardly blipped at all over the last couple of weeks, still logging in to look at others blips, wondering if it might just be possible for me to take one of those 'one in a million' blips, that some blippers seem to manage day after day...

I almost end up in a situation using blipfoto, where I enjoy photography less. I realised that it is disappointment: not in how often I manage to blip, or in all of my photos, but that rather that before I blipped, I took really good photos, and only took photos of good subjects...

...I now take photos of any old rubbish...and yes, I can hear the cries: "there is always the potential of some fluke photo"... and "it's nice to see random bits of your life", but actually for me, it's not working...

...before I had pride in my photography, now I look back at some photos and feel dismay - that I put no effort in and took then in a rush, not softened by the excuses "there was no time" and "well that wasn't really a great subject". Part of photography for me is choosing the subject, picking the day when the light is right (after all I only use a cheap point and shoot) and making a good job of it...

...that's why, going forward, I'll only blip if I really have the time, if the light is right and the subject is good: if the moment is there. Do I mean "when I can make it easy for myself, more like"?..., I don't...

...I mean when I can enjoy it, and when the subject matter means something to me. Today I went out into the forest at sunset and took pictures of ponies, then I came home and sorted them into order of preference in a '100th Blip Folder" (again, control freak)...but actually, they weren't amazing and I didn't enjoy myself hugely, taking them, or filing them. They were nice photos, but I don't know the horses from Adam.

I did however enjoy myself in the garden earlier with Kitty and Tabby, my loyal muses. So they got my 100th Blipfoto...because they mean something.

...(though from now on my photos will be much better, because I will give more time and care to taking no wonky walls...though I think the wall actually is a bit wonky in my defence...!)

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