Our Epiphany singers "Sternsinger (literally: Star Singers)" are still on their way from house to house to chalk the blessing "20*C+M+B+11" on the top of the door frames.
They rang our door bell around 11 am in the pouring rain (as you can see).
I had been expecting them for the last 3 days, but finally today....
Good, I was home! Bliptime! They wear fancy clothes, but the rain made rain jackets necessary! Too bad!
In Germany it's a nationwide custom. The children knock on every door, sing their songs, recite their poems and collect donations: sweets (for themselves) and money (for charity projects).
Then the blessing is chalked on the top of the door frame:
"20* + C + M + B + 11"
The initials were in earlier folkloristic literature interpreted as the names of the Three Wise Men, but it is a Latin phrase: "Christus mansionem benedicat" (= May Christ bless this house). The star stands for the star the Three Wise Men followed.
On most houses the blessing can be seen the entire year; we don't wipe it off.
Just in case you are concerned: The children always have an adult to go along on their tour.
1:30 pm 7,2°C
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