Placid Casual

By Barnaby_Nutt

true noon column

the third in my quest to visit all six of the national forest's 6 noon columns.
no sun today though....

previous columns are here and here
Part of the National Forest Company?s LANDshapes project, this Noon Column is made of English Oak, the sun will shine through the vertical slot for 10-15 minutes at ?true? noon on midsummer and midwinter?s days, creating a line of light in the shadow cast by the column. "True noon" in the Mease and Sence Lowlands Zone occurs at 1.03pm in summer time and 12.03pm in wintertime.

This cycle links the sculpture to the passage of time ? celebrating the past, present and future of the Forest. Created by internationally renowned artist David Nash, this sculptures spire shaped form captures the spirit of a Landscape known for its views of church spires across low undulating farmland. The sculpture is one of six that reflect and interpret the distinctive nature of the six landscape zones that make up The National Forest.


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