Five things

By fivethings


1. A trip to Eden's Garden to get stuff for lunch and finding not only the nicest shopkeeper in Glasgow but the nicest loaf of bread I've had in ages. The trip was swiftly followed by a pre-lunch munch of bread and butter and jam.

2. Catching The Searchers on channel five just as it was starting and watching it all. I have, because of my dad, an unwavering and unquestioning love of John Ford films, The Searchers especially. It never fails to move me. Of course it is riddled with flaws of a politically incorrect nature, but the beauty of each and every scene, the music that fills them and the story of an outsider is, I believe, something truly extraordinary.

3. This ceramic fish hangs in my bathroom. He was made by a man called Garnet who works at Fireworks studio. Fireworks is this cool wee place up by the art school where Colin goes to make his things out of clay. I have gained beautiful, original gifts from this place, all made with love. I loved Garnet's fish from the first time I saw it.

4. A curry, some beers and a night at the fire.

5. Sharing a curry and some beers in front of the fire on Saturday night with someone and knowing there is no where else you would rather be.

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