Random genius idea
Another souvenir from the US - this time one of the packs of cards distributed to the US soldiers so they could ID fleeing wanted Iraqis. I'm not putting this forward as any kind of comment of the value of the war or the reasons it was, and is, being fought; much more learned people than me have chewed that one over, but whoever thought of doing this with playing cards was genius.
Now think about the possibilities - maybe we could distribute cards with our MP's faces on, and a general breakdown of their expenses claimed on them - or we could produced expenses Top Trumps......ie. I've got £50,000 on second home mortgage, or I've got three exchanges for my tax free home - beat that; or I've claimed £30,000 for food in six months....etc. You get the picture.
So let's see some cards with our own 'parcel of rogues' on them....
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