My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

Hold That Thought

So... day two and what do I have to show you... another pic of Little Miss (Lottie). This might become a theme because it seems she's the one subject I'm comfortable taking shots of! She is also my world.. so could have really titled this photographic journal 'My Lottie though my lens'.

However... I did try get artistic shots of my photography books this morning and Lottie and I went out for a walk in the fields behind our house and I got some shots of the fields and cloudy sky and played about with them in photoshop. So it wasn't that I didn't try, it's just that I think pictures look better with her in them :D

I'm positive that tomorrow I will provide something completely different! *fingers crossed*

I wanted to also mention how amazed I am with this site! The community of photographers seem so friendly and helpful and I've started subscibing to journals that I find truly inspirational! I'm on day two and already slightly addicted!

I welcome any advice anyone has for me on the picture, I've played about a bit in photoshop with exposure, brightness and contrast and curves, just to get a feel for what they can do.

So much to learn!!

Catherine xx

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