
By Icarus59

My youngest son

Due to what i can only describe as an non amicable seperation from my ex wife im fighting through the courts to see my boys. The youngest , seen here , is allowed to come to my house for 3 hours every second Sunday , i have him for 6 hours in total each time but 3 hours is taken up in travelling. My oldest boy doesnt want to know me as he has had his head turned by his mother, hence the court case which is on the 4th of Feb.
So today i celebrated Christmas with my youngest son as this was our Sunday to be together.
My son is my Christmas, and his brother even though he hasnt seen me for 8 months , along with my daughter and they are my reasons to be on this planet. The material things mean nothing but the love of my kids meens the world to me.
Take a bit of advice from me , if you buy your kids a telescope make sure you let them build it as i had this one put together with all the parts in the wrong place and it was acting like a microscope on the carpet and not looking at the sky. That reminds me , now ive dropped him of i need to hoover .
Hope you all have a great new year and dont forget to tell your family you love them.

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