Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

This oil drilling platform reminds me....

I need to get a tripod!

My fairy-photo father visited last night, and dropped off a phwoarrr (is that the technical name?) lens for me to experiment with. I've been dead keen to try it out today, even organising Mr G to pick me up from school at lunch time to take some shots at the beach....rubbish results!
"Don't be so disheartened, I'll pick you up at 3.30 from school and you can try again." said Mr G generously.

I was out the door like at whippet out a trap at 3.30 this afternoon. Very aware of the fading light, I directed Mr G to chase a good sunset... none to be found. I did however take some shots of this drilling platform. Disappointing results; lots of wavy, shaky light streaks. I didn't realise my hand shook that much.

My conclusions after this unfulfilling experience are; that I need a lot more practice with this lens and perhaps a tripod wouldn't go amiss either.

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