Am I alone?

Have been trying to fend off a bit of a chesty cold over the last few days - no, it's not Man Flu and I'm not whingeing and, thanks for your concern but I will get over it quietly and on my own!

But I treated myself to a bottle of this vile tasting stuff yesterday and was wondering if I was alone, or does anyone else find it impossible to pour a spoonful of this without it dripping everywhere? Does the fault lie with my ability to pour, or is there a design fault with the bottle, or is it merely a trick of the manufacturer to try to make you feel worse than you do already? Or simply to make you waste enough to have to go out and buy another overpriced bottle of the stuff.

If so, it's not going to work. I'm not saving money on car parking this year to go and blow it on cough mixture!

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