
By Viewpoint

The snow's back II

Another chance to use my new lens this morning as the snow was coming down quite fast and the birds flocking to the feeders. I won't ever make a bird photographer, there are far too many patient experts out there with their 600mm lenses. See After the Rain's journal from yesterday. But I am learning lots by photographing different themes in different lighting conditions and I don't think that would have happened if I hadn't signed up to blip. I usually take my photographs using aperture priority but today I thought I'd try shutter priority as the birds move so quickly and lo...! I got snowflakes almost in focus - not just a hazy blur in the air. So a new learning experience for me.

Lots of birds in the garden as the snow came down. I counted four fieldfare and one redwing, a pair of chaffinches and at least one pair of greenfinches, only two females pheasants today (one year we had nineteen in the garden), the long-tailed tit family visited and then we had all of the usuals garden birds.

Another productive day sorting out my photo folders and I found two things that had been missing - so an added bonus. The small black bag that contains some photo accessories turned out to be in the cupboard where I first looked months ago - I moved the folders today and there it was. Excellent!

Out of all the bird photographs I took today I decided to use this one of the blue tits - photographing a pair was an added bonus and at the right moment the front one turned its head towards the camera.

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