gravity brings me down

By mc1489

Traffic Monsters

Today was a good day for photography. The weather was a bit cold, but the clouds made ample light settings. This is not the best picture I took but it's definitely a picture that made me think. We see officers guiding traffic all the time, especially in Chinatown since it's so compact. So why are there still car accidents? Just the other day, my brother-in-law had a car accident, luckily only thing that broke was his front lights.

I don't really understand why people don't slow down and run through the yellow light. There will be another green light, probably 30 seconds later. Why can't they just wait the 30 seconds?

anyway, vacation is on! Hopefully I'll be getting out more with my camera, but it rains almost everyday. Need to buy some water proof equipment. A tripod because the picture above tells me to do so. And new lens wouldn't hurt either. sigh so much to do.

first semester gpa at New York University: 3.85 (out of 4) wooot! :D

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