Clark Tales

By cclark


Today was nice and relaxing yet again. Once back at the flat I had grand news that our heating was to be fixed by this evening, YAY.

Off to the dentist around 5. The flatmate's Girlfriend was to make Carbonara whilst I was out. Only problem being the Dentist gave me a local anaesthetic for the drilling and filling of the toffee poppet destroyed tooth!!! He advised no eating until the numbness wore off as there was a high chance that I may bite my own lip or tongue mistaking it for food, causing major damage! WTF I was starving, having put off food before the dentist to save severe teeth scrubbing!

I also wanted to blip me in the dentist, but this did not work out...However when tidying up the flat I came across this corker!

This is a card addressed to my flatmate Jamie, his girlfriend is Debbie, and as you can see this card is unmistakeably from her gran lol...she believed Jamie may not remember her name as she's only met him a few times, it was a true LOL moment! Comedy Genius!

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