Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Sun on the Road Bridge

Another bright, cold and clear day. When its bright but cold its always more tolerable in the winter time.

I decided that in order to preserve my sanity I needed to get out of the office at lunchtime. Seemed like a good idea but not when you are trying to take photos. My fingerless mittens were elsewhere and my hands were frozen. So a few quick blip candidates and back indoors!

The Tay Road bridge is one of the longest of its kind in Europe. It is about 1.4 miles long (seems longer some days) and has 42 individual spans and more lamp posts than even I can be bothered to count. It was opened in 1966 and replaced the former ferry services which brought the Fifers over the water to the city. I sometimes think they would be a far nicer way to do the journey.

When I first moved out to Fife in 1979 the toll for the bridge was payable both on the outbound and the inbound journey. A princely 15p a go. There was often a last minute scramble in the pockets of my mini (car!) to find it! Tolls were eventually removed in 2007.

Anyway, here it is looking almost pleasant in the sun rather than its normal concrete grey. The bridge which connects Fife to the rest of the known world, or at least Dundee!


Mr LIF and his moon tonight :)

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