
By stravaig

Time Will Tell

The Great Hall of our local castle was renovated a great expense some years ago. When the finished work was unveiled we were all more than a bit surprised to see pale (yellowish) coloured masonery. You can see the colour on the chimney stack. It was wildly out of keeping with the rest of the castle which was (typically given its age) more of a dirty grey and very weathered colour. We were told that the colour was authentic and would weather over time.

Well, the Great Hall still sticks out like a sore thumb against the colour of the rest of the castle and when I went up there today, it didn't seem to me to be doing much 'weathering'. I guess time will eventually tell whether the experts got it right and we end up with a castle where the colours are more sympathetically matched. At this rate of weathering knots, it doesn't seem likely my my lifetime.

Makes for slightly odd photo shots though - this one is of the roof of the Great Hall. Wonder what the guardian gnomes think of it all.

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