Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

I Give Myself Permission To . . .

1. I give myself permission to rest.
2. I give myself permission to laugh.
3. I give myself permission to play.
4. I give myself permission to make mistakes.
5. I give myself permission to say ?no? to demands on my time.
6. I give myself permission to say ?yes? to what I want.
7. I give myself permission to fulfil my lifelong dreams.
8. I give myself permission to ask for what I want.
9. I give myself permission to be who I am.
10. I give myself permission to try again.
11. I give myself permission to have fun.
12. I give myself permission to design my own life.
13. I give myself permission to be gentle with my soul
14. I give myself permission to stay focused on what?s important to me.
15. I give myself permission to be whatever body shape I like.
16. I give myself permission to be imperfect.
17. I give myself permission to ask for help.
18. I give myself permission to stop caring what others think of me.
19. I give myself permission to LIVE.
20. I give myself permission to create.

Here endeth the Gospel according to Lel ;-) x

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