Puppet, play and story day

14 months 16 days

Katie woke up at 5am, she had some milk, then went back to bed. She wasn't impressed, cried and then coughed. She was then REALLY sick, in her hair, over all her bedding and clothes. She was also adamant that she did not want any clean clothes on. Nothing whatsoever, although she eventually let me put socks on her. So she came into bed with me, snuggled as far in as she possibly could and seemed determined to get as much of her skin touching my skin as possible. I had a short sleeve tshirt on so she lay across my barearms, with her face to mine, holding my hand and trying to wriggle her feet under my tshirt. She then slept for 3 hours, as did Mummy. She woke up full of beans and smiles and we pottered around in my room for a bit.

We had a really gentle morning, just pottering round. We had a long splashy bath. She was so excited when she saw the bath on (its normally an evening thing for her) and was frantically trying to pull her socks off, whilst also bouncing up and down.

Our friend Carol came round late morning. She has a business called Puppets, Plays and Story Days and she'd brought some new story sack puppets that we were taking photos of. Katie loved the Monkey Puzzle (another Julia Donaldson, the Grufalo author) puppets and had a great time playing with Carol with it.

Katie was ready for her nap whilst Carol was here, and went down about 12.30. Three hours later, she finally woke up! She's never had a 3hour day time sleep, bless her. I decided to take her to the play cafe to try make her a bit more tired for bedtime, we're glad we did as one of Katie's good friends, Jack and his mum walked past, saw us and came in too. She was really excited to see him and two of them were lovely together. Basically, we've had our very own puppet,play and story day, bliss.

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