How much did you say that was?
My mother in law died some time ago, but we're still cleaning out her apartment.
Like many of her generation, who grew up in the Depression, she was reluctant to throw anything out, based on the theory that you never knew when you might need something.
It's for this reason that we've taken so long. Ninety years of accumulating, with very little organization.
Anyway, I came across this little gem: a forty five year old matchbox, which presumably we could study while having a beer and a Marlboro, and which would educate us about the proposed fandangled new decimal currency.
I remember well when it was introduced, as the campaign involved a catchy little ditty to the tune of 'Click Go the Shears?.
Sadly, I can still remember it:
Sing along all you Aussies.
In come the dollars and in come the cents,
to replace the pounds and the shillings and the pence.
Be prepared for changes when the coins begin to mix,
on the 14th of February, 1966.
The conversion chart here reminded me that some people actually used to convert.
Quite impressive really, when you think that 7d = 5 5/6c! Of course, many older people just never came to grips with it.
There was talk of naming the dollar the austral or the merino.
Now wouldn't that have been fun!
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