Lali's World

By Lali

Shop Window Curios 3

A shop window really crammed with souvenirs!

I work in the Royal Mile, and everyday I pass a countless numbers of souvenir shops. I've always wondered why there are so many of them. They just keep breeding!

This one in particular called my attention because of the crammed state of their window. Some people pay money to have a well designed window display, some people get creative and make an effort, and some people just cram things in no particular order like this, although the dog sticking the tongue out seems to be neatly positioned between the two Nessy pipers. And what's that underneath the teddy bear's hood, by the way? God knows!

Tonight is a magic night in Spain. The Three Wise Men will bring all those things you always wanted (it's like a second Santa!) If I was in Barcelona, maybe I would get that better camera I've always wanted, unfortunately the Three Wise Men never make it to Scotland! :(

I've had a busy day, having my tea at almost 10pm today, very continental!

Soon to bed!

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