
By Poppy

Yes, a tree!

Trees are not that common in Orkney because of the wind. Yes, there are some, but they tend to be pretty stunted specimens and, like this one, rather wind swept. This one is at the head of the bay, so fairly sheltered by Orkney standards.

This morning I put the Christmas tree out and then spent ages vacuuming and sweeping up all the needles and doubtless we'll still be finding them at in the carpet at Easter! The sitting room looks very bare with all the cards down and no decorations around. It is easier to see the dust too, much more noticeable!

By the time I'd got turned round it was drizzling, but Ollie and I set off for a walk regardless. He nearly caught a pheasant, but it got through the fence and all he was left with were two tail feathers! Thought it was going to be just a shower but we got soaked. Needless to say Ollie wasn't that bothered!

On the way home I saw that one of our neighbours has parked his car at the road end of his track. A sure sign snow is expected . . . . watch this space!

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