Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

Busy Bee

Back to work today. Pretty good actually. Just at the end of last year I gave up one of my afternoon shifts to have some time to decide what I want to do next. I'm feeling a little bored, time for a change. I'm feeling focussed by the new year forces that are charging about - storms of self improvement and positive thinking. So I'm trying to do my part. Been ordering prospectuses galore and made an appointment with a careers service. This year is going to bring big changes. I've decided. (That's me putting my positive thoughts into action). I even sorted out a new dentist - that's been on my to do list for ages.

I'm going to try and take some domestic themed pictures this week - or at least, objects within the home, it started last night with my washing. Just to do some experimenting as I'm still trying out my dad's digital SLR and quite enjoying it. Exciting stuff all round today... And I might be able to fit in a quick trip to Ikea later - does it get any better?

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