Dobry vecher...
....comrades. Owen's belated Christmas present for his Soviet Tank Commander bunnet arrived from the Ukraine today. No self respecting bolshevik tank commander would be seen aboot ra Steppes without his handsome hat badge, and so too Owen felt naked without one for his furry flapped hat. It's arrival completes his paramilitary mash-up clothing set which is vogue amongst young poets in these parts.
First day back at work and it was a whirlwind of text messages, telephone calls, voicemails, e-mails, informal chats at my desks. Without exception, all were interesting, but I'd prefer them to form an orderly queue and take their turn.
Owen and Nancy were waiting for me with a bowl of cheesy, bacon and cabbage pasta when I returned home. They'd been in Crieff overnight and caught the start of the next batch of snow and ice sweeping down from Penguin Land. Saints preserve us.....
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