A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Night Night Sleep Tight...

Another Christmas holiday day charges by in a blink! A pretty good day though.

Reidar Jnr is onto his third night of sleeping in his 'proper big bed' and apart from a minor hitch last night he seems to have taken to it very well. Fingers crossed I haven't jinxed it!

Jnr2, pictured, is teething still so its hit or miss with his bedtime habits.

A trip out to Glenrothes this morning contained an extra surprise for the family Reidar. Just as we were getting into the car who should appear from nowhere but certain fellow blipper. The Angel of the Northern!

After a quick hello she was away but with promises of a visit later on. And so the Northern family appeared for a short but very welcome visit in the afternoon. And bringing gifts with them too :)

I was going to Blip the gifts tonight but figured I would wait until Hogmanay as it is the type of gift I will be enjoying on that very night. So a triple present. A visit from an old friend, a dram or twenty for good luck and health and a Blip thrown into the bargain. Result!

Not only was there a gift for me but there where also gifts for fellow blippers Red and Hiraeth, so guys I will be in contact about getting them to you. Honest. I won't touch a drop. Well if I run out before I see you then I know you'd be happy to share, but it'd only be the one. Or two. :)

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