This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

The morning began like any other.

My small alarm clock sounded from across the room and I opened my eyes. I could hear my mother making coffee upstairs and walking around the kitchen. All standard events before a day of school.

I proceeded to get out of bed as usual, but on this day I dropped to the floor. My legs didn't work and they hurt. I couldn't stretch them out and they were like dead weights. I was frozen like in a dream but on the basement floor of my room. I didn't cry out, I simply started crawling.

I pulled myself up the steep stairs to the kitchen and there was my mother at the top, looking down at me. She was scared and I was scared. She pulled me up and she tried to straighten my legs but they would not straighten and I could not walk. I believe flashes of polio went through my mother's mind.

What happened after that horrific, painful moment is a bit of a blur, but the doctor was called and several other young girls woke up that week with a similar condition.

We all recovered- I wonder what they remember...


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