The Granick Family

By DeborahGranick


I haven't known what to say on blip lately... I feel like I always saying the same things... wow I love my family and Jesus thank you for your grace! But its totally where I am right now.

I had a great evening with Joshua and the kids. They light up my life. I feel like I am falling in love with Joshua more and more and am enjoying every minute we have together. He has had lots of work recently so we spend lots of evenings laying next to each other on the couch, him working on his laptop and me knitting or sewing just enjoying togetherness. I love these moments so much. Tonight we made Miso soup and I love that he doesn't mind that we have been living on Asian food for days because thats what I have been craving. He loves me just being me. Nothing else. Its amazing.

I feel so rich and so blessed. We have been through so much, practically lost everything and lived through being utterly broke, the recession hit us hard but we are doing well now with his new job the bills are paid we have a house full of food and boxes of diapers and each other - what else do we need? I walk around the house near tears thinking of all we came out of financially and how good God is. I am so happy and content with things. I keep feeling like I should want more. To be more or do more but I really just love being home. I love my little house and little family and it is such a dream come true for me. I go get groceries and come home feeling so happy to be home .. gosh I could kiss the ground of this humble little place!

So not knowing quite what to post here is a cup of green/jasmine tea that I am drinking and the sewing project that is on my desk right now...a little pine pillow (made from the needles of our Christmas tree - how romantic) I am making several.. for some of the loved ones we shared Christmas with. Sewing is so much fun when you have someone in mind... :)

Jeepers I am blessed. Thank you, thank you Jesus!

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