While on my runs

By waipushrink

Another sunrise

Up early again this morning; too early to be able to buy the morning paper while on my run, if I'd gone out immediately. Started to look at some random blips, possibly seeking inspiration. As I was doing so the promised rain began, and I settled into what I was doing.

A few minutes later I noticed (a) that the rain had stopped, and (b) the western sky out the window was showing sunrise effects. I quickly changed and went out for a run into the Highfield Garden Reserve, and then out onto the main road along the ridge towards the end of the peninsula (although I once ran all the way out and back, I now go a considerably shorter distance). Coming back I go on to the Snells Beach dairy for the Herald.

At the top of the hill in the Reserve, I managed to get some nice views of a rather subdued sunrise, showing the yachts in Algies Bay. Done that already, and better. But there was also a small fishing boat heading out into the bay, and likely out to the gulf; a nice contrast to the tethered yachts.

Feeling quite pleased, I continued on. Ten minutes later I was into farm land, and the sun having emerged above the lower cloud band was yet to "disappear" behind the higher, bigger and darker cloud mass. I took a few shots, and this is my favourite.

I like the molten appearance of the sun, and the way the trees have become silhouettes. The fields (with cattle grazing) close to where I was on the roadside, have been made very dark, even though the amount of light at the time was sufficient to see all clearly. The photograph takes one away from the mundane into the more spectacular offered by our very own, and local, star.

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