Today is a new beginning for my photography.. I bought myself a new camera! I am now a proud owner of a Nikon D7000!

I have no clue how it works but I manage to take one shot of hubby, my beloved knight!

The thing is, my life is kind of messy right now with the changing room stuff and so on. When the legacy after my grandmother came we decided it is time for me to have a new camera. The legacy came today and I bought the camera today (or yesterday coz it is after midnight).

I am so happy he is happy for me coz there sure is other more important stuff we need.

Oliver is ill, Evelina is ill, Maximilian is away to his grandma (he is coming home tomorrow). He is with her coz I was supposed to do the re moving around everything but I haven't manage coz of monthly pain (guys, don't read you wont understand anyway) (haha). Now i am fit for fight and up running again.

Now it is time for me to try have some sleep. Time is 2:14 am in the morning and my extra little bed with the thinnest mattress on earth is waiting for me in the living room...

Me and my new camera will be back, be so sure..

And thank you everyone for still reading and commenting even though I´m not.. i read every single words from you guys..*bows*

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