Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

home sweet home


YET another travelling day today but a short journey at only 5 hours. Amelie was pretty good most of the way. She slept and so did I for a couple of hours, we gave her some milk and then she was awake for the rest of the journey babbling away. I thought she would sleep when we got in after she'd had her dinner and a play but our neighbours that share a wall with her room were being super noisy (they have four children under 10 who don't seem to go to bed until after 10 o clock) and kept disturbing her. So she was in bed with me by 9.30. We all had a good sleep back in our own bed though despite this and its definitely nice to be home after the great holiday roadtrip. But I have no idea where I'm going to put all these toys...

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