Here we go again!

14 months 14 days

We woke up to quite a surprise this morning. After thinking we were through it all, 'It' is back. What was meant to be rain last night and this morning came as several inches of snow instead. Katie had woken rather early, and gone to the bedroom door to let me know she wanted to go downstairs so we had a play before breakfast and I took down the main Christmas tree. Katie waved goodbye to the twinklies as I turned them off and packed them away. She was quite sad - it was rather adorable!

We bundled everyone up (including monkey that is) and headed out for tea and toast, after digging the car out enough to get the sledge from it. We stopped at the bank on the way home and, as they always do anyway, the staff all came to see Katie and gushed at her bundled up in her snowsuit.

She was falling asleep as we got to the front door so went straight for a nap. She woke up absolutely mental! She was so hyper and bouncy. She ate a big lunch and went even more bouncy. She was running from one side of the room to the other, over and over, just laughing at herself. So I took her to the playcafe to climb away some of the excitement. She was doing laps of the place, bouncing at the counter to chat to the lady who works there, and going extremely fast up the soft play.

I tried to get tea on earlier today, she's been ready for it about 4.30 recently, but even so she still was too hungry to wait so ended up with mash, beans and sausages to tide her over, she ate a bit of that, a bit of her pudding and then played with the carrot and lentil stew I'd been cooking. Ate loads of carrots though, as always!

Given the amount of bouncing this afternoon, it wasn't at all surprising that by 6.30 she was dead on her feet - still smiling and hyper - but about to fall asleep where she was stood!

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