jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Tidying Up

All the decorations are down. And organised into boxes so I know which ones to take out at the beginning of December and which ones are to wait until we put the tree up. Is that allowed?! The tree's not down yet, that's the next task after lunch.

I keep rushing back into the front room because Ben's gone quiet, only to find him actually playing with his toys!! He was trying to do this jigsaw one time I came in. He seems to be getting the hang of them slowly, he has a couple of digger jigsaws that he does when he's finished his dinner and is waiting for us, and he's learning about matching the pictures up, and about straight edges. It's all coming together slowly. I do love his hands, they just keep growing and they are so beautiful!

All the chocolates have been sorted out and the oldest (hallowe'en ones still hanging around) have been binned. Half my decorations have been binned as well, the ones that I haven't used for about 6 years. The ones I bought when we were young marrieds and I wanted colour-coordinated Christmas decorations :) Still want things a bit coordinated but I like where I'm at at the moment and I like adding one or two to the collection each year.

Once the tree's down I suppose I've got to find homes for all the presents! We've still not put our birthday presents away, and Steve's are from August. Need to do something about that.

Spoke to the diabetes centre who have reassured me that my sugar levels aren't sky high and once I've done some blood sugar readings they can decide what to do - and I don't need to worry about going back onto insulin just yet. Let's hope not anyway. I've decided to be more positive about it all. Going very easy on the chocolate is going to help, as is eating properly, as is going out for walks as much as possible.

And in between all that I've got the thankyou cards to create. At least I've chosen the pictures for them, now all I've got to do is see if Ben goes to sleep so I can create them in peace!

Lunchtime now. Leftover chicken and gravy from last night, with bread and butter. And maybe a chocolate for Ben afterwards, and a slice of cake with cream for me. It's with a meal. I'm allowed!!

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