Midnight Musings

By MidnightMusings

Meanie Bombeanie Salad

Meanie Bombeanie Salad

200g black eyed peas (soak overnight)
250g Tinned Butter beans
Good handful of parsley
Juice of 3 lemons
Lemon rind or lemon oil
2 cloves of Garlic
One red onion chopped
One large pomegranate
1/2 cup of virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste

Boil and then simmer until soft the black eyed peas, they should still hold their shape.
Rinse the black eyed peas and then transfer to a salad bowl. Open the tin of butter beans and empty the water, rinse and add the butter beans to the same bowl. Using a lemon peeler , peel the lemon rind only and not the White skin. Chop and add to the bowl. Chop parsley, onion and add to the bowl. Crush the garlic and add to the bowl. Add the lemon juice from all 3 lemons. Add the olive oil. Add the pomegranate to the salad, salt and pepper and then mix all the ingredients together, serve either warm or cold with some crusty bread.

This salad has been named by my 12 year old daughter. Why she has chosen to call it this, I couldn't tell you. Please enjoy!

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