Every Little Step

By moonfairy

This is .......

Well we're having a bit of trouble deciding on his name.

At the AWL his name was Simon. My husband likes this name.

Then it was suggested we call him by Christian's nickname, and at first we thought that was a good idea, then we all went - No!

So at the moment his name is Neo Noodles. Neo from the movie The Matrix one of Christian's favourite movies. Noodles, one of Christian's favourite foods. I'm sure he'll get lots of other names as most of my other animals have. (For some strange reason my husband calls Sophia - Bagels - don't ask me why! We had another cat called Misty he used to call Bibs and a dog called Susy he called Muppet. These are just a few examples, and all these pets used to come to any of these names.

So meet Neo Noodles.

Ps. Sophia and Neo are still hissing at each other. I've never had two cats before, so not sure how long this will last.

This is a backblip as I was a bit busy chasing him around. He runs really fast!!

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