mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


<back blip>

I didn't realise it was my 300th blip or I would have taken a more celebratory blip. I've only missed one day so far. For that day I do have a photo but I haven't got round to posting it yet. Oops!

We had a busy day today. We took Aidan to the Gyle first thing to get his feet measured now that he is walking. His shoe size hasn't changed so there was no need to buy new ones yet. We went for a coffee and a potter round the shops. Aidan insisted on toddling a lot of the way which really slowed us down but he seemed to really enjoy it.

We then went home for lunch and my friend from Uni popped over for coffee in the afternoon. She hadn't met Aidan before and thankfully he was a good boy and even gave her kiss! He's a wee flirt already!

After that we went to Gran and Grumpa's (mr mono's folks) for dinner. Aunty K and Uncle B were there too. Aidan was a very good boy and managed to have a huge dinner. He ate a bowl of soup with bread, followed by pasta bake and garlic bread and finished off with yoghurt for dessert. Oof! Hollow legs for sure!

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