Rain stopped play!

No not the ashes! just everything else. Raining heavy here today. Had to walk a neighbours dog twice and she is a bit overweight so walked slow, peched a lot and was dead fussy where I took her! She passed another dog with the same name and neither said boo to eachother. When I pass the same dog with my two you would think world warr 3 had began so it must just be between my dogs and her.

Hubby took all decos down as he will be working away from Wed onwards. #1 daughter back from Germany safe and sound, #2 daughter off in her car (there is always one to worry about) #1 son coming home tomorrow for a couple of days so its all go go go.

Started a jigsaw but I have a very short attention span so my 500 bit jigsaw will likley take me months to complete still hope springs eternal!

Away to re heat last nights dinner!

Have a good food dinner all blippers

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