One Small Year

By mahlerfan


In the last of my backward-looking blips to start 2011, I have to face my complete failure in the getting healthier/losing weight department. The first half of the year was a modest success - I managed to lose roughly 25 lbs. through a combination of exercise and better/smarter eating. But after my daughter was born I went on an epic binge of gluttony. I wasn't aware of the true damage until I stepped on the scale at the gym this morning - in case it isn't clear on the photo, I'm at a svelte 315 lbs., at least 20 lbs. more than I've ever recorded.

So I've set a major challenge for myself to lose ~90 lbs. this year. I'm going to post a picture like this one on the 3rd of every month, to track my progress and hopefully keep myself honest. My wife is fully on board in helping me eat better (and less), and I'm tracking my calories (as I have done successfully in the past) with an iphone app called "Lose It!". My first workout this morning (accompanied by a new pair of running shoes and a new cool water bottle) felt really great, so I'm invigorated and optimistic to get things started. Off we go!

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