life of d

By davidd

Fibre Optic Tree

Last day of our holiday ;( Oh well at least I've done something constructive with it.

What you can see is a naked fibre optic Christmas Tree. I have a long history of taking stuff to bits, starting with small toys I progressed to the point where I took a car completely apart once (fear not, it went back together, although there was an impressive pile of bits left !). A few years ago we bought a cheap 5ft fibre optic tree for the sitting room, it is a bit rubbish and has suffered a bit so I thought I'd take it apart and see if I could use it for the Tardis thing I'm making for school...

Firstly I have to say it is the shoddiest bit of kit I have ever taken to bits, none of the connections are soldered, just twisted and then sellotaped!! So I've fixed that, but the rest of it is just utter rubbish....

Anyway this is a macro shot of some of the fibre optics, alas they are not the same length so not ideal, but I liked it..

Better large

I did wonder about waiting until it was purple..purple, as I think it might be a better colour..
There were others..
here and here feedback always appreciated.

I hope those who are back at work tomorrow have a good start to the year, and those who have already started are having a splendid time!



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