Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Redneck Cat Toys

I should first say that this is not located at Annie's Cottage, ha ha! This is the backyard of our home!

My adorable Sheepish Contraptioneer has an annoying habit of hanging anything that will spin in our yard. While I am not amused, the wild cats certainly are. (Yes, we feed them and, yes, we try to catch them and get them spayed and neutered...but their ability to reproduce is better than our ability to trap the cat we are trying to catch)
No amount of ugly comments by myself impress him, and he goes on hanging spinney things around the yard and the cats continue to find them amusing and we will never be eligible to move into those neighborhoods where they make rules about ugly things in your yard (but, of course, I don't think I could measure up in those neighborhoods anyway) but still, I was hoping to at least be seen as respectable on some small level. Good heavens, what *is* that thing, anyway??!

Be warned,Ccontraptioneers do not care about making their homes look respectable, no matter how their wives feel about it. The only consolation is that the cats will never be bored!

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