Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

A dozen.

This is Daisyglaisy and myself.

We have been married for 12 years today. My sis in law took this photo as a recreation of one from our wedding album.

Earlier on today Daisyglaisy described how we looked as me being like a farmer and her being Hitler-esque!!! Ha ha ha sounds bizarre but strangely accurate!!

As we weren't away this year we did a marathon cinema day and meal and we are just back, hence the backblip.

12 years today!! Seems like 5 mins. We've done a lot in those 12 years. 3 beautiful wee girls, retraining for a career, buying ourselves a fixerupper house and then immediately being terrified of what we have taken on and a million other things too supporting each other along the way.

I loved our wedding day. And I like to remember it every year!

Happy Anniversary Daisyglaisy. I love ya!!

Thanks for looking

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