Studebaker Lark

C&R snr took a ride on the Triumph this morning, they saw cute places in and around our area which they've never seen before! They took a few surprise turn offs for the first time and were absolutely stunned at all the beauty in a 30km radius that we don't even know of!

On their way back, at the big 4Way Stop on the Tunnel Road, they saw a few 'Golden Oldies'! This one is a Studebaker Lark, which I remember very well from my younger days! I remember my mother's one brother-in-law had one, and eisch, was he fond of treating us to a ride in it!! Boasting all the features, the speed and the comfort of his vérrrrry grande vehicle!! Hiehiehie!!

Well, well, I suppose all great weekends has to end some time? But, no bother, the next weekend is only a week away! ;-)

Hope all of you had a great time!!

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