horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Ah'm no lion...

I was accused in more than one quarter yesterday of being 'miserable' by explaining why I wasn't going out to celebrate the New Year. See, the thing is, by explaining why I wasn't doing something I didn't want to do I would have thought the implication was clear, i.e. I was doing what i wanted, ergo was in no way miserable, and indeed was the exact opposite. Rather pleased with my evening.

As Nina Simone once sang "Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."

Popped the telly on before we went out for a Borders drive and every TV host, guest, and even the continuity announcers were making gags about hangovers. The radio in the car saw no respite from that. Strange that it's basically expected that the way you see in the New Year is by getting bladdered and suffering the following day. Start as you mean to go on? :P

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