
By Mimthing

Sale shopping in Leeds

Spot the difference.

On Christmas day, we -Khoola and I- resolved to go sale shopping together. Actually that's quite loose......I don't do shopping, I hate shopping, but I offered to go along for the day out aspect, if you like.

Our first thought was to go to Meadowhall, I haven't been there for years, still haven't. Thoughts changed to Leeds, thoughts changed from driving and not being able to park to jumping on a train and having a relaxing journey. Got ourselves a coffee and headed over the bridge to await our west bound train, only two platforms at Selby so you can't get it wrong, you are either going west towards Leeds/Manchester or east to Hull .....SIMPLES
Very involved in our xmas chat, and my concerns over the footwear of some of the very young-things that came in to the waiting room, we probably, ok, definately weren't taking any notice of the tannoy announcements.
A train came and we boarded.

After much hilarity, discussing the worries that keep us awake at night and the need for note books to write lists of things that worry and cause us anguish in, this act apparently keeps the sleep bandits at bay, Khoola made an oberservation.

Khoola "That looks like the York Tesco"
Mim "don't be daft, anyway they all look the same"
Khoola " I'm sure this is York"
Me " It's probably a different route and will go round to Leeds from York"

Tannnoy "This train terminates at York"

One bargain I didn't understand was this

Also, I'm having thoughts ......... these days, and it seems to be affecting my saturation......

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