All things Blipable....

By Tina

New years day walk..

we found a lovely pub in Seddington Village..
served up some good home cooking, just what the Dr ordered after last nights frivolities..(well i stayed up till after 12 midnight dont you know!!)

after a lite lunch,we had a walk along the canal, was a little muddy, as we walked the sceneic route accross the fields. Surprisingly parts of the canal were still frozen.

Cant believe that were now in 2011..

this march, i hit the ripe old age of 46..
ive made no resolutions..
there bever seems a point, as i always give up on them within a week..
I stupidly weighed myself this morning and post brunei i have put on about half a stone!
So.. i do intend to try and improve my fitness and tone up..
lots of walking and start my Jog Plodding again!

Just need to summon up the enthusiasm..
Oh and not eat chocolate at work!

(well...its part of my job..honestly!)

May you all have a happy healthy 2011


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