
By MallyC

Happy New Year..... and all.

Had great difficulty deciding which of the 100+ images taken this first day of 2011. Should it be the image of my first coffee with 2011 written in froth on top of the crema, OR,
one of the score or more of images taken of the lovely yellow roses given to Mother by the 'neighbours-from-heaven', OR,
an image of an angry wasp caught inside a glass desperately seeking escape, OR...??

.....decided to stay with my original idea of posting the first image of the year. Well almost. I took a plethora of images of the fireworks mentioned in previous blip and as they were all taken within the first 6 minutes of this new year I have simply picked the one that stands out for me.

Somehow when I look at this image I see an aging diva poured into a too tight sparkly red cut-to-crotch cocktail dress, hair flowing behind, caught by the evening breeze, as she pushes her vocal cords to their limits into her microphone held aloft as in the days of yore...........

No.... no champagne last night just thrilled that a new year has begun and life goes on.

May your days be thrilling and this year bring you and yours all the happiness and peace you can handle.

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