Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Happy Hogmany!

After having our shopping delivered (EVENTUALLY!), we paid a visit into town to buy a cot and a few other bits. Many thanks to mum and dad for the money for that. We then tried to get something from Marks and Sparks for our tea, but the food section had been ransacked. So, it was down to Southsea and the posh shop for something special. Well, it is Hogmanay after all, and going out and getting drunk is not an option with a five year old in tow and another one on the way soon.

We've got steamed mussels, followed by Gressington Duck legs to look forward to later on. Rather than forcefeed Oliver something he wouldn't eat (and more for me and Emma anyway), Oliver has this 'haute cuisine' for his tea. He is happy, and was pleased with the decoration on his plate.

Whatever you are doing tonight, have a good one....

We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne

Happy Hogmanay!

Or.. Happy New Year - for the southerners!

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