Behind The Mask

That is where I probably should be.

I had a hellish night - couldn't breathe...... coughing.... feeling like I had been kicked in the kidneys.
You know how it is.
The surprising thing is how fast it hits.

I sill had to go out this morning to buy a new piece of flooring for the downstairs loo.
I am glad to say the frozen pipe seems to have stayed in one piece.

I couldn't believe it when SWMBO said I should probably buy the 45-200mm lens for the Lumix before the VAT increases kick in.

The car has been booked in at the garage.
There is something wrong with the engine management that needs sorted - the fuel consumption is shocking and the 'normal' and 'economy' setting seem to have got mixed up in the way they hold on to the revs before needing a gear change.

I am now off for some tablets and a cup of tea and will not be staying up to see the new year in......... so - see you next year

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