Mustang Sally

Another grand breakfast then a chat with the woman who had been the 'set dresser' for the party ....... Zena, younger sister of Annette the parties recipient.

I had met her once before - about 32 years ago (when her eldest daughter was kept in a basket ....... private joke) and like the rest of her family, she is a star.
She has started making kids blankets which are personalised. Needless to say, we will be ordering one for the Cygnet.
She also gave me a huge piecce of wonderful material as a prop. The only stipulation was that I let her see the pictures I take using it .......... that will be a challenge to come up with somehing up to her standards.

SWMBO and I had a bit of a wander where we saw Mustang Sally and I listened to a fantastic Romanian quartet. They were well worth the money I had to put in the hat to be 'permitted' to take a picture.

It was then coffee with some of the party guests before we headed north through the bloody awful fog and heavy traffic.

There was no way I was driving all the way home in those conditions so we stopped off with No1 son and his girlfriend (at their house with the broken central heaing boiler)

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